Thursday, August 11, 2011

Countries with NO unions are hellholes. Countries with strong unions are nice places. Why?

I know a strongly conservative person who was against affirmative action, but accepted a job that he got because he is a minority. He was also strongly opposed to unions, but when his workplace formed a union, he joined. And of course none of the conservatives I know will give back their social security or medicare benefits. So it seems that being a conservative basically means being selfish. It means being opposed to other people receiving benefits. It's basically anti-social. I think this is the meaning of being anti-socialist. But, as you have demonstrated, the countries people like to live in are basically more socialist than these other countries that do not have unions. You didn't mention places such as Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, which are basically extremely conservative. I'm betting that they don't allow unions, either.

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