Friday, August 12, 2011
Would you give your leftover prescription medication to someone else who you think might need it too?
My boyfriend has suffered from eczema since I met him. Its not terrible but its doesn't seem like what he is using is helping. He has been to 2 different dermatologists and all they do is prescribe him different ointments that have not helped. About a month ago, I went to the doctor (for something different) and I asked her about some flaky skin I had in the sole of my feet. She said it was localized eczema and prescribed me some triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% and my foot healed completely. When I went to buy it, I got the prescribed 2, 15g of ointment. I only used 1. I am thinking about giving the other one to my boyfriend. He said he is willing to use it, but I don't know if its a good idea. I think he is almost ready to try anything to fix his skin. What would you do? Would you give it to him?
HEEELP!!!!!!!!!! What are my chances of getting into Duke University?Will I also be eligible for scholarships?
Earn 2200 on the SAT and you will be competitive. Duke is very generous with financial assistance and almost every undergraduate student who is admitted is offered enough financial aid to be able to attend.
Faint bfp on FRER- is it real?! 19 dpo No symptoms at all!?
I know how you feel; I've had fertility issues myself; though I've a daughter and another on the way now. If you had a positive, it should be positive. It is easier to get a false negative than false positive. ANY line, no matter how faint is a positive. Mine was so faint I could barely see a shadow and didn't know if I was imagining it. What test are you using? Also, I've had friends that have had blood tests that were negative, and they were actually pregnant. But I understand you not wanting to get excited; I am still feeling surreal about my pregnancy because of past problems. Lastly, enjoy Egypt. My daughter's half Egyptian; we visited for a couple months in '08...we both miss it.
Is it just me or are most the Black people in NYC from Caribbean Countries?
I ask because I live in NYC and it seems all the black people I meet are either from a Caribbean country like Jamaica, Trinidad, Haiti, or Barbados or have family that is from a Caribbean country like those listed above. I am wondering if there is any specific reason to this or if this is just coincidence.
Sinuses hurt on Forehead? Help?
My friend has been complaining about having a headache and where her sinuses are on her head like forehead is where the pain is localized and her ears are hurting. I was possibly thinking it was an ear infection but if anyone knows what it is exactly or how to treat it that would be immensely appreciated.
Does anyone know of any great stylists in the dmv area?
I'm an african american sister looking for an excellent stylist. I need someone who is very skilled on dealing with african american natural hair, particularly someone who knows how to braid nice without the tearing and snagging from brushing and combing, without the excessive blowdrying, without the tight pulling and ripping of my scalp. Also someone who knows how to straighten ethnic hair without scorching it with high degrees, using only the highest quality flat irons (ceramic, ionic ,tourmaline) while also letting it become nice and silky like queen latifahs on the 2011 bet awards for those who saw her perform the revolution will not be televised. Finally someone who knows how to trim, and I'm not talking about those who trim and cut off a whole lot of hair..someone who knows how to trim off about 1 to 1.5 inches with no difficulty.and someone who uses the healthiest and best oils, shampoos, creams, heat protectants, oils for black folks hair ex. Sheamoisture, justnaturalskincare the african american hair line, etc.. Basically someone who knows how to treat my hair with EXTREME GENTLENESS and tlc while still getting the job done. And another thing is that I'm muslim and I need to know if ur willing to do my hair in a private room in a location in the dmv area. Thanks. Srry for ALL the requiremnts, but if u are certain that u or others can do this pls let me kno.
Im a vegan, but is it ok to eat scientifically grown test tube meats?
maybe, it also depends on your religion like if your christian you not supposed to like clone thing and i yhink thats a form of cloning but other than that i think you would be ok
The Flood and Prophet Nuh (AS)?
opinion. localized flooding, where the population at the time of prophet nuh not much. also the world still has not been continued each split into several continents.
Who is the current prime minister of Haiti?
Currently, there is no Prime Minister since Daniel G�rard Rouzier was rejected by the National Assembly.
How can someone tell my 2 sponsor kids that I don't love them and use the N words towards them?
That person is a totally disgusting racist. Just give those kids big hugs and keep reassuring them that the person who said those things is a bad person and a liar, and you do love them.
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
Hi fellow seniors, what do you take these days for those niggly aches and pains?
Oh Lily, it's morning which means the pain is pretty bad. Doc thinks I have a sacroiliac joint disfunction and I probably have a radio frequency ablation, or neurotomy in my future, but he wants to try other things first. At this point I'm willing to do anything to get my life back. In the meantime, I take vicodin but only when I can't stand it. I do use ice.
Pensions and strikes?
The banks are private industries and therefore regardless of how much private pension they get, they still have to work until they are 66 to get their government pension and that is how it is for all employees in the private sector, we can all retire at 55 with our private pensions but we have to wait until we are 66 to get the government one, the employees in the public sector have the best of the pension world, their pensions are mostly paid for from our taxes with the employees themselves paying in only a very small amount and yet they can retire at 55, ten years before I can, so the question that I would ask is, do you think that a teacher or other public worker deserves to work ten years less than you and can enjoy their retirement ten years before you bearing in mind that your taxes have paid for their retirement fund? if you want to do the same and retire at 55 you would need to pay in at least a third of your income to a private pension fund for many years so that you have enough money to live on without the government pension for ten years, teachers, police and council workers do not have to do that.
Do Americans that are anti-French realize that....?
I think the French are more anti French then Americans are. Look at what they have let religious psychos do to parts of their country. I feel more concern for the French then I do disdain, Their Political Correctness has got them in a big mess.
What are the push factors for haiti?
im doing a project for geography and i need help finding the push factors, pull factors, for Haiti please help me
Renewable energy science help?
4 school we have 2 choose a remote village in the world and invent (but not buikd) a device/machine using renewable energy sources in some way to help the village. any ideas on a village and what i could do? thanx! btw i cant do savann tabak, haiti, as my friends doing it. im really dumb at science! thanx!
Was there a European equivalent of the sexual revolution?
What about the hippie, psychedelic movement? Was there similar civil rights struggles and feminist activism. What about the gay rights movement? I see a lot abOut tolerance of homosexuality in Europe, but I cant find out if there was anything comparable to what happened in North America?
What do you think of this these "place" names as middle names?
I love Bethel! I also like Cicily. For boys I don't really like any of them. Baltimore's okay I guess.
How to localize mildew in bathroom?
When I go inside my bathroom I smell mildew, but I can't figure out where it's coming from. I tried to smell the walls close with my nose but I don't smell it. Is there a way to figure that out? I don't want to gut the whole bathroom, I just want to remove the mildew.
Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?
Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.
Can someone tell me how to get rid of sugar ants in my kitchen ?
I need a natural remedy, because it is in the kitchen where the food is handled. I see some every day. The first day I saw them , there was a swarm of them, I thought I got rid of them, but since then I see a few every day, and they are not in a localized area, but everywhere and only four or five at a time...I guess they want to keep me on my toes. HELP !!!
As global traditions have spread around the world, influencing and dominating more localized indigenous....?
Indigenous peoples have cooperated in the hope that, by telling the truth about their religious practices, their traditions will survive.
Why has the train of white privilege got out of hand globally?
whites tend to belittle the heavy damage done by the white race all over the earth.I guess they would have to tell themselves something to get themselves through every day life LOL! Here's my case in point.....What this race has done was not confined nor localized to one specific area of the world but rather a huge global problem.The USA,India,Africa,Hawaii,Australia, South Pacific ,South America,New Zealand,many Islands and much much more were under white colonization and or dominance.There are many historical books were white explorers went on boasting in their efforts to dominate the earth at any cost.Some of these people have even been quoted saying they will be god to Mankind, whether through slavery,some sort of occupation,genocide,bribery and War! So here comes the part white people don't want to hear.They say to me and many others,why should we be blamed for the actions of others? right?....This is the reason,They to this day, to this very hour are benefiting off of the blood and land stealing that their ancestors have done. How else were these people able to build their infrastructures,don't they need LAND? don't they need valuable RESOURCES? Don't they need Cheap or free LABOR? Why yes you do! Whose keeping up this infrastructure train of destruction going these modern days? Hummmm? Now you have other countries of non whites competing to enslave mankind and destroy the earth.Whites feel no need to slow down so the non white races who were greatly despoiled can catch up.They feel no shame and it's full steam ahead....right? This is why I tell you why white people are just as guilty as their early counter parts. Same time,same channel and business as usual.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
What are good ways for college students to volunteer abroad?
I am interested in spending some time abroad to help underprivileged people. I'm a 20 year old male in good shape and can work hard. I have no professional skills such as medical training, construction, teaching or language skills. Basically I am just a college kid who would like to help people. I would like to spend anywhere from a month to as many as three months doing a single assignment or several. I have looked into volunteering in Haiti but couldn't find much for college-aged people. I'd do anything from helping to build houses, distributing food, helping a trained teacher teach English as a foreign language, etc. If anyone knows of a good site or company that offers something like this please let me know I would really appreciate it, ever since i graduated HS I have been looking for something like this but haven't been able to find anything that I think would be able to make a real difference. I can pay to volunteer but some of the companies I have researched are extremely expensive (considering the desired length of my service) and seem like they are just out to make money. Thanks in advance for your replies.
How did the Iranian Revolution contribute to U.S. Middle East policy post 1979?
i don't mean to be creepy, but i think i'm in your history class right now, answering this very question on the learning objectives in the back of the room. hi.
All inclusive resort or cruise, which is better?
I have the choice of going to an all inclusive resort in jamaica for a week, or go on a week cruise to haiti, jamaica, cozumel, and the cayman islands. At first I wanted to go to Jamaica and tour the island but now that I'm given the choice I am unsure of what to do. Please help!! If you've been before any help would be great
What do you guys think of Samuel Dalembert on the Heat?
Please no. I want to get rid of a lot of players to either acquire Nene or Aldridge. Even give up Bosh if we have to. We need BIG bodies.
Is it possible to overcome violence with non-violence?
Gandhi did it (embarrassed Great Britain out of India without violence)...However, it took Russia to kill Hitler ...So it will most likely take violence to eliminate republican violent idiots...
Why did america betray france after they helped america beat the british in the american revolution?
remember when france wanted help from america after they had their french revolution in 1789? america turned its back on them like the ungrateful people that they where then & they are now. maybe france should have let america fall to the british the big ingrates.
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
Army to Marines questions and potential problems?
You can wear any authorized ribbons in any uniform of any service MINUS the combat badge and if you have it, it does NOT transfer into a Combat Action Ribbon (the Navy/Marine equivalent of combat badge). Nor does a Sailor/Marine C.A.R. ribbon transfer to a badge in the Army, they both must be earned while in that branch. A medical discharge would put you into a far lower priority for enlisting. Contact a recruiter for sure.
Which Micro SD should I buy for R4 Revolution?
Planning to buy one from, but I don't think Micro-SD is included. Which brand/type should I buy one that would be compatible for my R4 Revolution? :)
New house has small tree stump close to house. What can we do to remove it, and not attract termites?
Depending on how much time you have you could also get some tree stump dissolver from your local nursery. The powder is mixed with water and poured down holes you drill in the stump. After a few months the cellulose in the stump kind of dissolves and the stump falls apart in chunks. I've done this to 3 stumps over the years. If the wood is a hardwood it may take a year. Cheap, effective, slow. If you're afraid of termites you could spray with an insecticide every few weeks, that should keep them away till the stump dissolves.
EMS scenario help plz?
Scene safety is always first. Are the police on the scene? Is the weapon secured and in safe hands or a safe place? Then making sure the airway is secure is next, while also protecting the spine. A .45 that entered the lateral chest wall could possibly have hit the spine, and you never know what path a bullet took. A cervical collar (neck brace) would be applied. Breathing at a rate of 32/minute says that they are probably shallow breaths, and he probably needs assistance breathing--I would use a bag-valve-mask with 100% oxygen. The hole in his chest should be covered with an occlusive dressing, like vaseline gauze. That would in turn be covered with bulky dressings to control any external bleeding. He is probably going into shock, so it is a true "load and go" situation. He should be secured to a long spineboard with straps, legs elevated due to the shock, and loaded into an ambulance, which should then hit the road asap. It sounds as if he is developing a tension pneumothorax, however the BP is a little high for a true scenario. Usually below 90 systolic. The chest needs to be decompressed (the right side). That is done with a 14 gauge IV catheter on the front of the chest, midclavicular line, in the 2nd or 3rd intercostal space. A one way valve should be placed on the hub of the catheter when the needle is removed. After that, 2 large-bore IV's should be started and the drip rate should be titrated to keep his blood pressure above 90 systolic. A thorough exam should be done, looking for exit wounds or any other wounds that could have been missed. Early notification of the trauma team at the hospital should be made because emergency surgery is needed and every minute counts. During transport, constant re-assessment of the airway, breathing status, circulation and vital signs should be done. After the chest decompression, the blood pressure should come up some and he should breathe better.
Countries with NO unions are hellholes. Countries with strong unions are nice places. Why?
I know a strongly conservative person who was against affirmative action, but accepted a job that he got because he is a minority. He was also strongly opposed to unions, but when his workplace formed a union, he joined. And of course none of the conservatives I know will give back their social security or medicare benefits. So it seems that being a conservative basically means being selfish. It means being opposed to other people receiving benefits. It's basically anti-social. I think this is the meaning of being anti-socialist. But, as you have demonstrated, the countries people like to live in are basically more socialist than these other countries that do not have unions. You didn't mention places such as Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, which are basically extremely conservative. I'm betting that they don't allow unions, either.
Any good historical books that you suggest?
i know it's a later time period than you wanted but the Little House on the Prairie gave a really great sense of how life was during that time. but the first book began with the Little House in the Woods.
Car Interest Loan Scam?
Hi my mom has been paying off a car since november 2009 she has paid 538.00 monthly since. Her car cost 20,000 and i recently went online to check to see how much she owes since im the one who pays her bills online and it says she owes 17,000 dollars. I was of course taken aback . I immedietly called honda financial services and was told that she had signed a contract with honda and taken out a Interest loan. which basically means all her money has been going to pay Interest not her actual car. Now my mom is an immigrant from Haiti and I am SURE that she didnt know she was signing her own death sentence when she signed this contract. Im sure the people at the dealer took advantage of her and now shes stuck with a 20,000 car that she'll be paying out for years! Any advice? I asked for a copy of the contract and am going to contact my lawyer soon. What else could be done because I will definitely not take this lying down.
How concerned should I be regarding this chest pain?
For the past three days, I have been suffering from a very unusual ailment. About three times a day, I have experienced debilitating, localized chest pain for about ten second intervals, with an occasional relapse of dull (but still highly localized) chest pain. It is below the skin, and its location (speaking from high school Biology experience, which isn't saying much) is around the left ventricle of the heart, or more likely the inner-most part of my left lung. When I say it is localized, I mean it. The point in question couldn't be larger than a dime, and is always the exact same spot. There have been no triggers. I have been both active and inactive, near and away from allergens (for me, a cat), having a full or empty stomach, etc. As I've said, it'd happened about nine times (three times a day for three days), and since it only hurts for about ten seconds, ninety seconds of pain haven't caused me too much trouble. But should I be more concerned? What could this be?
What should I do about my skin and eyes? pictures?
I agree with more mascara and some eyeshadow, but for your skin, it looks fine and healthy, just some foundation and if you want blush.
I have a bump on the side of my foot I don't know what it is ?
I have a bump on the side of my foot it's sore and inflamed and it shoots pains into my feet I can't find out what it is it's a localized area
How can I get rid of my headaches when Tylenol and other painkillers aren't helping?
My headaches are dull and constant but not localized to a specific area, it's not too painful but its all day, everyday and keeps me from being able to focus or preform fully. No it's not my eyes and no I can't see a doc.
Mental health emergencies forgotten????opinions..?
You seem to be asking a question, cutting and pasting some research and then answering your own question. Well done, saves us the trouble of reading this wall of text. Good luck with whatever little delusion you're suffering that makes you think we wanted to know this (there are much better written, and more interesting, reports out there).
Trippiest Beatle song that you know?
or if you think more than one is, tell me. i think Revolution 9 is. It kinda scares me. It sounds like a poltergeist experience. They were on too many drugs..... Drugs are bad!
Help picking a phone from Verizon?
so i really like the verizon revolution but have heard bad reviews so i just want to hear from people who have that phone and if they like it or not honest opinions thanks in advance
For Christians-am I praying right?
Whenever I pray i mostly pray about bad things that seem like to happen not happen and things like that. For good luck in an event tomorrow. I also pray for my friends and others in need,mpeople on yahoo answers i hear cutting themselves, and disasters like Japan, and i didn't forget you, haiti. Sometimes I feel too selfish in my prayers, so I thank God for everything He's done for me, but that's all I say for God, because I cant think of anything else nice to say to God but to thank Him. And when I keep repeating that, I feel like I've lost the meaning and it's become a memorized state. But I really do love Him and want to thank him! Is there something else i should pray? I feel selfish right now. Please help!
How do I do cardio exercises in a very small room?
I'm looking for ways to do specifically cardio exercises in a very small room. I only know of jumping jacks, dance dance revolution, and jogging while being still. Any other ideas? Thanks!
What does violation of rights in china, Haiti, and the capture of Ratkio Mladic have in common?
The "tribunal" Chief General Ratko Mladic had been brought too tops the list of human right violators.
Why do people from other countries hate Americans so much?
To keep it short many people from the US think they're superior to everyone else simply because of their countries power.
Would an aneurysm "sentinel bleed" or rupture produce a constant headache or an off and on headache?
After vomiting too hard I got a localized pain on the back left lower part of my head. The first time was pretty intense and it lasted for a few seconds. Now I just have a mild, nagging ache that is localized to the back of my head and it seems to only appear if I tilt my head back a certain way, and as soon as I straighten it up it goes away. Has anyone experienced something like this?
I have a Mangey Mutt. Her condition is getting worse -any ideas?
I would suggest maybe going to another vet if you have been going to the same one each time. Sometimes you need a second opinion and a fresh set of eyes to take a look at a recurring problem. hope she is better soon!
Question about back labor?
When you have back labor, do you still feel regular contractions in the front, or is it all localized in the back instead?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
As global traditions have spread around the world, influencing and dominating more localized indigenous....?
A. Indigenous peoples have told the truth to the scientists in the hope of getting better dental care.
How to play BlackJack?
try and get your card to add up to "21". if you go over you bust or loose. ace's are 11 and other face cards are 10.
How do I kill all the fleas that are on my dog?
Bathe your dog in dawn dish soap its cheap and will kill all the fleas on him. Its safe as well. My vet recommended this for me to use on a pregnant dog I had and since then I use it on all my dogs. Hope this helps. Good luck!!!
Is it possible to team up with Prat and whitney air to build star fighers.?
True they are an Arkansas State based Air craft Company yet as I art fishing for Employment as an Technology Sergent via our Arkansas 188th Air National Gaurd we hath in state University sneaky and cunning Area 51 modes of thought nerds paying college tuition that may know how to contact my relitive whome tells my Dracula stories apon our U:S History Cable Telivision Channels. he hath conections with in the jet Engine industry and Boieng is one of them.the Japanese Fuel Rods with in the Nuke power Facilities shown apon network news broad cast could be used in futuristic Space Age Vulcan Jet Engines and Anti Gravity Star Fighter / Space Craft construction.helicopters ran into this weirdness flying over Volcanoes and science hath shown that we as Americans nor world powers hath not attempted to harness its power and strange G:E:O Volcanic likeness Energies = man made melt downs to cause the radiant Engergy and light seen apon our U:F:O Telivision Programing of yester year. The Fire out the tail is volcanic via its Nature and it will ba able to park over large townships and we know it will work out well because we here with in U:S Calender Year 2011 know we simply bounce the Telivision signal off of the Star not to far from this World and received it around year 2000 or so with in localized Cable Telivision programming .it todates calender correct Time and Date frames of Stealthish shaped Air Craft and the Vent doors opening apon Yester Years Video = U;F:O based viewings thus we also know that the Anti graviity wil also be up running and or Opperational.
I don't know if they are Bug bites?
I'm an Audio and video Technician and before I was a satellite installer over the years around the season of heat (spring and summer) a very localized eruptions caused me itch sensation that develop scar (I’m a bit obsessive scratching) originally i thought it was a fungus however the area affected was odd (the upper part of the feet {both of them} at the feet arch level and behind the heel) to be a fungus (not between finger nor nails) after that I thought was a mild skin allergy hypoallergenic products used no success now the eruptions are more like permanent but they are milder in cold season needless to say I work in attics the whole year
Which are the most soundable theories about auto-immune diseases?
Systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis, guillian-barre and the localized type (those where only a single organ or tissue) such as Autoimmune hepatitis, temporal arteritis or addisons disease.
Christians: Do you think of yourself as "rebels" ?
Certainly all Christians can agree that the world, in general has fallen to the father of lies, the serpent, Lucifer. Whether we feel like rebels or not, we are. In Star Wars the rebels were the good guys overthrowing an oppressive empire. In the American Revolution, same thing. Are we not all today good people struggling to win small battles everyday against an oppressive dictator that has unrightfully tried to lay claim over this world and the people that live here. The question is, who amongst us is willing to go beyond small battles and actually fight in the war? Who of us are going to support those that try to make a difference beyond just their close circle of friends and family? As Christians, we all know there's a war going on, and we're definitely not only on the good guy side, but we're on the side that's going to win. Now it's our job to go out there and make sure that as many of Gods children as will hear the message of salvation decide to join with us in rebelling against wickedness and fighting for righteousness.
Lower left abdominal pain, pale stool, light-headedness...?
The pain is mostly located in the lower left abdominal region. It radiates from front to back (usually in the front, though) and sometimes moves up under the ribs and to the lower right as well. Usually it is an ache spread over a region, but sometimes there's a sharp, localized ache in the lower left. My bowel movements went from normal to dark (almost black) & mucosy diarrhea, to hard, pale stools accompanied with constipation. This has happened over the course of about a week. I also feel slightly dizzy, nauseous and light-headed. Any ideas what might be going on?
If China had a democratic revolution, would you support it?
On CNN and I read some news about this chinaman i forgot his name whos fighting for civil rights and liberty but got detained by the chinese government.
Do I have a chance in an Ivy league school? PLEASE HELP?
I go to a college prepatory school. I currently have a 3.11 GPA.. I did very poorly my freshman year I had a D average. This year - My sophomore year - I had an A average. My GPA factored to 3.11. Next year, my junior year of high school I plan to get A in all my classes. I am taking one AP class, and I am on 2 competitive sport teams, I am on student government, and plan on taking other leadership opportunities - like student discipline committee, and more. I also started a non profit at my school that fundraises for Haiti. I am a person that cares alot about my community and the world. I am wondering if my low GPA will prevent me from going to an Ivy League school. I really want to go to dartmouth!!!!!!!! Please let me know! I am mostly wondering if my grades from freshman year will effect big time. I also study for SAT ACT PSAT SAT2 all the time and am taking them all my junior year! Please be honest with what you think ! Thanks
Would the writers of the Constitution (if they were alive) be more closely aligned with the left or the right?
Or would they be like, " What the hell, have another revolution maybe you can get it right the second time". What evidence do you have to support your belief?
Should i get vaccinations?
I understand that it's a financial burden, but rabies is nasty and dangerous and given the conditions in Haiti there's a chance you'll be exposed even if you're there for only 10 days. Bringing your own food and water won't reduce your risk of rabies exposure because most cases are related to bites/scratches from street dogs or small wild animals like a mongoose. If you're going to working in a remote area where you might not have access to good medical care, you might want to consider getting the vaccine because if you're exposed to rabies you'll need treatment right away or you could die. If you're working close to a major hospital, they may have a vaccine in the chance you're exposed so the necessity might be less. Good luck.
What can this dream mean?
Okay so I was working at this McDonald's/gas station(except in this dream McDonald's was a coffee shop) so any way this totally smoking chick came in and ordered this coffee with a crap load of creamer, and covered in whipped cream, and filled with sugar, anyway after she left I found myself outside looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found so I went inside of the shop and made myself a coffee just like hers, then I got in trouble with the boss and tried to pretend to be a good employee(then I was awoken in real life, when I went back to sleep my dream changed some.) Okay so I was still the same person(sometimes I dream as different characters per se.) but now the store had become like a wal-mart and this beautiful girl worked there and everybody was on strike are something, I was following the beautiful girl and some people she was with taking notes on there strike trying to figure out how to help, but I planned to trick my boss by telling him I was spying to stop the strike(more of a revolution really), so what the hell do you think this dream means.
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
Molecular biology questions?
are you guys at UVM? If so I'm also in the middle of answering those questions. I also think that the genes co-localized within the nucleus b/c alpha needs beta in oder to function.
Why do my plumbing pipes vibrate?
The pipes behind my shower vibrate. I don't think that I have "water hammer" because the vibration occurs at very random times both when water is running and also many hours later. The pipes do NOT rattle, knock or bang...but they vibrate (very loudly...enough to startle me in my sleep) and the sound lasts for 3-4 seconds. The sound seems to localized in the wall behind my shower. Is the water pressure a possible cause? I have lived here for 10 months, and the problem began last month. My plumbing is about 10 years old. Any ideas?
How do ranged weapons work in re-enactment?
I viewed a few clips on re-enactment of the Civil War/American Revolution. Smoke/flame would actually emit from the firearm's muzzle. How exactly does this work? Do they simply use the flintlock system without a bullet? Also, where do they find these weapons?
Foot pain- has this happened to anyone before?
I got foot pains before but I always make sure if it persist for more than 2 days before I see my doctor.
Lol USA lost against Panama! Thoughts?
BQ: Hondurans man these Nikkas como hablan and believe they are a world class team. Not to mention hablan como perros.
Mast Cell Cancer in Dogs?
Any tumor suspicious of being a mast cell tumor needs to be removed with wide margins. Think of these as the "melanomas" of the dog world. Mast cell tumors can get large locally as well as spread to the internal organs. Make sure that the lump gets sent into a reference lab so that the type of lump can be determined and the mast cell staged. Hope that it isn't a mast cell or that it is a stage 1 mast cell.
The verizon revolution?good phone or not?
so i really like the verizon revolution but have heard bad reviews and good reviews so what does everyone think of this phone?is it good i have a sprint android right now and going to switch over but just want some opinions thanks in advance
Kool party names and themes? ?
So i want to make a party but it has no name please help..i need names for these parties... apocalypse, titanic, blak nd white, color, atlantis, alien or space, luau party, country/ western, and others... last week we had a afterglow party called ready set glow and attracted a lot..another party was a rave party we called rave-allution. Instead of revolution..if you hav other themes please let me know... any names related to the themes is fine...
Stress fracture or nothing to worry about?
I am on a track team hurdle crew which practices indoors for th te being, on hardwood gym floors. My left leg began to hurt about a week ago. At first I thought it was a shun splint, but when researching i had mire stress fracture symptoms than shin splints. I have been icing my leg, and this week my coach is having me do a minimal amount of work so it doesn't worsen. But he told me it can't be a tibial stress fracture because those are rare, and it would be too painful to walk, although I dout that. Is it true though? Would I be unable to walk if it's a stress fracture? I tried the hop up stairs technique and could barely hop up once without major pain. I know I should go see a doctor but is it worth it if it's just a bad case of shin splints and not even a stess fracture? My symptoms are a localized pain in the center of my calf on the inside and front bone, almost like a horizontal band of pain, icing it doesn't seem to help, nor does my leg brace, when I do practice, it doesn't hurt doing stretches, but once we start running it slowly begins to get more and more painful, to the point that I have had to stop all together. And when u finish a workout it's just an ache. I have felt a very slight pain when I walk, and starting today, when I am resting, a shot of small pain starts in my calf and shoots up.
Really painful foot!?
It sounds a lot like Plantar Fasciitis, this is a condition in which the plantar, the soft "arch" area of your foot, becomes inflamed and sore. It is caused by many things, but people, especially women, with high arches are more at risk. There are a number of special soles you can buy to put into your shoes to help support your arch. I also recommend that whenever possible, you where shoes without heels that are comfortable for you. Good luck!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Having trouble installing sims 2?
When I put the Sims 2 cd in my computer, the options pop up view folder, import pics etc. The only option that makes since is brows folder. When I do that it takes me to cd where it says ASPYR GAME AGENT, LOCALIZED, SUPPORTLOCALIZED, THE SIMS 2 READ MEAPP, and THE SIMS 2LOCALIZED. I dont know how to install the game from this point on.
Is earthquake dangerous?
an earthquake is an only dangerous only if it measures above a 3 or 4 on the Richter scale and if you live in the afflicted area. Otherwise you should be fine. Florida, however, is not near a fault line, unlike California, Haiti and Chile, which are near border of the Atlantic-Pacific plates alongside and extrapolated from the Andes Mountains
Is this a good thing?? or bad thing?
im on a diet and im 12 5'3 and 94 pounds im trying to go to 86.3 but idk how to get their today i had homeade pizza (last time i had pizza was 3 months ago i HATE pizza but i had to eat it. i was forced to. and lazania. an ice cream cone and 2 blue berrie muffins (i eat healthier than this but today i guess was special) now i feel horrible and regret eating all of this) and did dance dance revolution supernova for 2 hours (my kid workout) and now getting ready to go to bed help me i realy want to get to 86 (if anyone can tell me how many caloris i ate that would be good)
3-4 Weeks ago I step on a "big" piece of wood and it pierced about quarter/half inch in..?
(It pierced straight up and in) Doctor added a little more than half an inch in to try and cut any infections out etc, about 3 weeks of hydro peroxide then alcohol treatments to the wound along with anti bacterial cream and heavy duty bandages,it's almost healed. Walking at school had re-opened the cut and the sweat infected it though, and now its pussing,won't finish healing, and the pain is more intense then it was when I first got the wound. I'm using alcohol pads to clean it, and putting antibacterial cream on the wound and using bandages still, and nothings changing. My mom works in the health department (although she mostly tends to the elderly with Alzheimer) and she says it should be fine, and we're going to making a doctors appointment soon. She said as long as there's no red stringy lines, that we're good (infection wise) but the pain is immense, the wound is between my big toe and the middle (?) toe, and the entire middle of the ball of the foot, and the 3 middle toes, are murdering me. I can't even feel my middle toes (creeping me out) and when I felt the middle of the ball of my foot it felt hard and hurt, so I pushed (thought I broke some teeth) and it felt like something moved, and it moved upwards. As I kept pushing more blood and puss came out (lots) and I localized the pain on the ball of my foot to the upper center area. Help?
What are the push factors for haiti?
im doing a project for geography and i need help finding the push factors, pull factors, for Haiti please help me
Describe how eighteenth-century intellectuals used the ideas of the Scientific Revolution to reexamine all as?
Describe how eighteenth-century intellectuals used the ideas of the Scientific Revolution to reexamine all aspects of life.
Why does the cat keep scratching herself?
what about allergies to something you use,like hand lotion,perfume. when you pet her, most times we rub our hand over their head. it sound like an allergy to me as well but i am not a vet.have you looked really well under her armpit and groin fur?
Why doesn't Haiti send Voodoo Missionaries to the US?
I would think there is a big market demand for a fun religion and people could make and send US Dollars back to rebuild homes. Anyone willing to "make it happen?"
Ladies, what would you think of your bf in this situation?
Ya a bit to be honest, I like strong manly men that cry when some one is really sick or has died or something along those lines. Id prefer if he gloated a bit instead of crying.
Is this dream a coincidence or not?
Ummm., no it isn't coincidence ilearned a long time ago to stop believing in coincidences because everything in life happens for a reason. Another thing. No idnt think that alien revolution dream will come true it seems impossible., however you're not weird for knowing or thinking abt. The movie then seeing it the next dayy., my dad can explain it more thorough than I can., all I can sayy to you is that if you believe in god you should talk to himm because he won't lead you in the wrong direction. And ibelieve you kinda have a thing for your friend that's prob. Whyy yhu dreamed abt. Himm. Good luck., and god bless.
Have you ever done astral travelling and if so what is it like?
So my dad used to do it but not anymore, and he doesnt like talking about it, I dont know why. Most of my family are gifted in a spiritual way, like my brother can see people who have past over and when he was younger he called the The Magic People + he can astro travel but he does it non willingly. My mom has dreams about things that happen, like a few years ago she had a dream about Haiti and a few years later it happened. My dad used to do astral travelling. I will sometimes see people and here things, but not so much as the rest of my family. Is it safe for me to do astral travelling and if so how do i do it? What is astrol travelling like?
What can I improve in my Yu-gi-oh deck?
i like how you used dragunity and other cards to help it, one card that you can use is the earthbound immortal wiraqoucha rosca, it is very powerful.
Stomach Pain All Day... Worried, What Could This Be?
This could be numerous things including gas, general cramping, or something more serious. You should really consider seeing a doctor about it if you're that worried as they'll have the means to properly diagnose you.
Customize Your Own Phone Case?
I really need a case for my phone, and I have looked at all of the ones on amazon and other websites and they are not what I'm looking for. Does anyone know of websites to customize your own case? I have looked at, and it would have been perfect but I need a hard case, not a skin. P.S. I have the LG Revolution!
Is this tainted bean sprout in China’s Shenyang a localized problem or common throughout China?
Some may not see this as a very big problem. But if they understood that China can not grow enough food to feed the population then they would see this is a much larger problem than first thought. Should Americans avoid this food? The Chinese people have much to lose if the food they consume is not good for them. I hope this problem is fast fixed as I go to this area and have family in this area. I read one question about the CCP is going to dispose of highly contaminated nuclear cooling water, but it did not say how this water would be disposed of. If it is used in the irrigation of food this would be dangerous. Money is of to much value to the men who run the CCP and these kinds of money making projects are likely to only grow. There is no check and balances in what a secretly operated government can do.
My cat has fleas, will revolution work?
If Revolution is the stuff you put on the back of the neck, I would get something else. I put a product like that on my cat and she foamed at the mouth for two days. You will need to treat the cat and your house at the same time to solve the problem. Go see your vet and an exterminator.
Why don't we use nuclear weapons?
Sadly, or happily depending on one's point of view, the power and precision of conventional weaponry has advanced to the point that nuclear weapons are largely unnecessary. Rather then destroy an entire city, it is more effective and causes less casualties to destroy the important targets in that city with cruise missles or laser guided bombs.
Tree stump planter, please help?
Last summer we had a large maple cut down because it was diseased and decided to leave the stump, dig a basin in it, and use it as a planter. We started trying to saw, chisel, drill and ax the wood to create the basin but without much success because the wood is super hard. My husband does not want to use chemicals to soften the wood out of fear it will erode the stump. Does anyone have any solutions or ideas, even chemical if results are localized to the area we want to cut out? It has become a mission to do this in a timely manner. Thank you :-)
What is the honest dirty truth of going into vietnam?
Unlike Iraq there was no oil to steal or economic reason to help South Vietnam stay "western". They genuinely believed that if Vietnam fell then the domino theory would kick in and other nations in South East Asia would follow. This was the conventional theory that Washington believed in.
Was the English "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 about religion or democracy?
Was it really about "liberty" and parliamentary-government, or was it just about removing James II because he was a Catholic?
Need advice to diagnose my general head discomfort.?
its very possible for the infection to spread. you should have been on antibiotics before the tooth was even pulled. the diarrhea could possibly be your body's reaction to it,i dont know if the ears ringing is good or bad because that can be caused by pressure change. the aches that you're getting are signs of a spreading infection. start with the ct scan and go from there. with doctors and dentists i find it best to take what they say and then go with your gut. its your body,your health. good luck with everything.
Why did democrats start or get us involved in these wars?
It doesn't surprise me someone would have to bring up Slavery and someone would bring up Iraq was because of oil! Jesus Christ, does anyone ever research their answers BEFORE the start stroking the keys of the keyboard? Apparently not!
Rate/change my blackwing deck?
U definitely need Vayu,emblem of honor cause u have 3 siroccos.Try putting in Dark armed dragon,it will definitely help.U dont need kycoo or 2 Light and darkness dragons.So take them out and put Vayu and DAD.For traps replace sakuretsu armor with D.Prison,works much better.Get mirror force as well.Now spells,replace hammer shot with smashing ground(Hammer may destroy ur own monster).Replace banner of courage with burden of the mighty.Add stardust dragon,scrap dragon,thought ruler archfiend,1 more blackwing armor master,2 more black armed wing to ur extradeck and take out 2 gaia force,x-saber wayne,vortex(if u wanna).And thats it.
How do you beat deidara in story mode for naruto shippuden clash of ninja revolution 3?
I'm using kakashi and naruto is with me I'm on the wii, how do I activate kakshis sharingan help i would like to know ASAP!
SERIOUS ISSUES...need some insight!! ?
I have recently been diagnosed with HPV the kind that causes GW. Two weeks ago, I slept with an old ex (who also has HPV) We were a bit intoxicated & me being completely irresponsible, decided to not use protection. Immediately after, I experienced pain & swelling. I figured it was due to the roughness, or lack of lubrication. The next morning, I was having several UTI like symptoms, pain while urinating, burning, difficulty urinating & just general discomfort in that area. I had a full prescription for antibiotics used to treat them & started them assuming there was no way an STD could show up instantly & although i was still a bit worried i decided not to stress because im a clinical hypochondriac. I also suffer from anxiety so Ive learned that usually the issues i worry about are much less severe than i think. So 2 days later, while still suffering from the UTI, i developed pain in my upper thigh that radiates about halfway to my knee. A week later the symptoms of the UTI had gone, i felt better, but NOW...the leg pain is back. I had intercourse with the same ex last night, it had been two weeks since the last time. It hurt upon insertion but the pain faded after a few minutes, immediately after there was swelling & localized pain on my labia & around the vagina. We used a condom this time and it wasnt rough. Now the leg pain is back, on the same side as the genital pain. I dont see any bumps or lesions just redness in the spot where it hurts im wondering if this has something to do with the UTI (since i didnt finish the whole prescription of the bactrim) or if its something worse. I thought maybe it might be pain from an untreated GW :( but the leg pain, from what ive read sounds like HSV(herpes) Im terrified & disgusted by the im in pain & im freaking out. This has ruined my life, the ex is a great guy & was open about HPV from the beginning. Hes never mentioned HSV. I have a dr appt friday but would like to know what this sounds like? HSV? If anyone has an idea id love to have some input :( thanks
Need help with coursework!!?
local crime prevention groups in or around fareham,,already have neighbourhood watch and crimestoppers but needs to be a bit more localised,,any help would be brilliant!!,,cheers
Are Americans really this intolerant?
I am American. I was born and raised in Arizona, and I currently live in Ohio. I appreciate people of all colors, and of all cultures. So no, not all of us are that way. I'm only 18, but keep in mind that you're in college. Not everyone is mature by that age.
Can this turn to cancer?
i have had an x-ray and it shows the lungs slightly hyper inflated and an area of vague shadowing in the right mid zone which the doctor thinks it represents some localised pleural thickening, should i be worried about this and what would my next step be?
What stores sell artistic shirts for men?
I'd like to know where I can find badass looking shirts like west coast **** or unique looking shirts...something fresh and clean...graffitti on em or artistic shirts...I know fresh out the box sells sick shirts N revolution n no like that would be dope to find...if you can help me out I'd appreciate it (:
Monday, August 8, 2011
Do Brits use American English websites?
They use some of them, but just about every site has a(n) UK version. It'll say .uk some where in the url.
Hillary Clinton as head of the World Bank would help Haiti?
Former World Bank banker Rischard has a book "High Noon: 20 problems and 20 years" and it may take that long to help Haiti, but this forum can help that process along, yes? This could atlas be one chapter in the book about Haiti. High Noon Haiti would be a working title.
Does Michelle Bachmann think George Washington's horses, "Nelson" and "Blueskin", are Founding Fathers too?
I mean when you think about it... they were "actively involved" in the revolution too... and working tirelessly??? Who works harder than horses I ask you? WHO.
Is it even possible for there to be a new revolution in music now?
Who knows? with television I thought that Jersey Shore was the lowest we'd ever go then BAM! Bridalplasty. I mean there's BrokeNCYDE and Big Time Rush..I'll be amazed if it's even possible to get worse. Better would be nice, though, but I won't be the one doing it. I'm better at coming up with ways to enslave humanity :/ I just don't have that creative spark.
Do you think vegans could survive in the wild with only fruits, nuts, and vegetation without processed foods?
I have actually camped out in the wildnerness before and I found food easily as I had book stating what wild plants were edible. And I boiled some bark and made some pretty good tasting tea too with a few spices. Why does it matter to you?
Are you part of the Rhyder revolution?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Which language should I learn? Please read details?
German, I just feel like its such a strong and powerful language. I would love to learn it you should.
What should i do next?
my x-ray showed that my lungs are hyperinflated and there is an area of vague shadowing in the right mid zone which he thinks represents localised pleural thickening i worked with asbestos when i was 16, 50 years ago he didn't comment on it and i left the surgery all dumbfounded can anyone tell me what all this meens and what i should do next
What type of phone to get?
so i have a sprint android phone now but want to switch to verizon and debating on the revolution and the iphone 5(when it comes out)which one should i get thanks in advance..
Where did New Orleans African slaves come from ?
Lately ive been learning about my family history, At the moment im working on my fathers side, So far i have found out that my grandmothers farther was half African descent and half Chitimacha Native American a group in southern Louisiane. Knowing that he was half Chitimacha pretty much is good enough for me, that being said i would like to know what African mix he might have had, I know that most slaves for the La Nouvelle Orleans ( New Orleans ) area came from the Caribbean not directly from West Africa like others did, places such as Haiti. Where did their ancestors come from what part of Africa did they come from. Sense the French imported slaves from the Caribbean and not right from Africa im just curious to weather or not they imported from West Africa either.
How do I eliminate/mask mildew/smell?
My dorm-room windowsill is rotting and smells strongly of mildew, but my college wont replace it. How can I kill the mildew or in another way mask the smell in a localized way without damaging the sill (not using a general air freshener or similar or replacing the sill myself)?
Will the Weiner girl tonight on Hannity ruin the Congressman?
Whether he resigns or not wont matter. The New Yorkers in his district will just elect another liberal 0crat with similar views to his.
How to repair error in Internet explorer?
When I try to open a webmail program while using Internet Explorer I receive the error message "Stack overflow at line 1867. This only occurs on this single program. I have cleaned registry, ran anti-virus and deleted and reinstalled Internet Explorer 8 and deleted and reinstalled the shortcut in my favorites. Truly at a loss. This is localized to this computer so I know it is not the webmail site.
Do you believe that psyche cannot be localized in time, or that space is relative to the psyche?
There is no such thing as chaos magick and thinking too hard about this crap leads to nothing more than a waste of time.
Can we make the Sun explode?
The Sun cannot explode. University of Michigan astronomer Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar proved this sixty years ago, for which he won a Nobel Prize. The minimum mass for a star to explode is 4.2 times the Sun's mass. And all the nukes the human race has ever built or ever will build are so puny compared to the Sun that even if approaching the Sun didn't make them evaporate in the heat, they still would have no noticeable effect.
Is no food, only water being anorexic?
Ok just to let u no i dont want to do this but my wierdo friend somehow got us on a convo bout how children in haiti dont get to have food like we do. So she want to see what it would be like to not eat for like 3 days and just drink water or something like that. I was just thinking, wouldnt that be considered anorexic? Also how long can a person last without food? Also i know my friend is pretty crazy but we got her out of it say she would probably die and stuff.
I am looking for a satellite picture of Haiti before & after earthquake, do u have a link please?
Ty! I wish to donate if you have a good pic & a real program that gives to the source I would appreciate it. Ty!
If I heat a vertically oriented metal bar at the top would the heat travel to the bottom as fast.....?
If the bar were perfectly insulated from the environment then the orientation of the bar would have no influence on the speed with which things heat up. If the bar is not insulated heat will be lost to the environment, heating up the surrounding air, warm air rises so there might be a difference depending on how the bar is oriented. How big this influence is depends on the setup.
Question about violence?
When it comes to revolutions, I don't think it is all black and white. Some battles are wise to confront through peaceful means and others through being equally (if not more) aggressive (unfortunate as it may be). Either requires research and analysis, strategy and careful planning, studying the "enemy" and what methods would likely be more effective in obtaining the objectives of the revolution, among other factors to consider. Also, we are now in a more advanced technological period of time, and these methods could be used for a cause - where many years ago, information couldn't be shared as quickly and throughout the world. But anyway, my point is that violence or peace may be necessary, one method does not work in ALL revolutions.
Do people in the north say or do these southern things?
Yes, the North is very backwards and boring, no reason for any of you foreigners to come here. Stay in CA.
How concerned should I be regarding this chest pain?
For the past three days, I have been suffering from a very unusual ailment. About three times a day, I have experienced debilitating, localized chest pain for about ten second intervals, with an occasional relapse of dull (but still highly localized) chest pain. It is below the skin, and its location (speaking from high school Biology experience, which isn't saying much) is around the left ventricle of the heart, or more likely the inner-most part of my left lung. When I say it is localized, I mean it. The point in question couldn't be larger than a dime, and is always the exact same spot. There have been no triggers. I have been both active and inactive, near and away from allergens (for me, a cat), having a full or empty stomach, etc. As I've said, it'd happened about nine times (three times a day for three days), and since it only hurts for about ten seconds, ninety seconds of pain haven't caused me too much trouble. But should I be more concerned? What could this be?
Location of multiple alleles of one gene?
Is it possible to have more than one allele of specific gene on one chromosome ? Eg. It is said that gene for an antigen A can have 15 different alleles. Does it mean that each of these alleles must be localized on different chromosome ?
When will Professor Layton games be localized?
I'm wondering if Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute will ever be localized to North America. Or, if there is a english rom that was released. But I don't think that there are Japanese to English versions of Professor Layton. Also, will Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle also be localized to NA? It's been a while since a Professor Layton game came out.
Could it be anorexia?
so I'm overweight, my mom tells me i am and need to diet constantly my ex boyfriend beat me up about my weight my friends tell me I'm not fat but i feel like they have to say that i expect them to say I'm not fat but i am. lately here's the diet my brain came up with. i will sleep til 1 skipping breakfast then when i get up ill eat something small. today it was a doughnut and an orange. then i wont eat again til 630 or 7 for dinner which i don't eat a lot of either. if i eat inbetween lunch and dinner its one piece of fruit and I am guilty after eating it. I have been obsessive about exercise, 30 laps in the pool everyday its warm enough, walking the puppy at least a mile everyday I have it, dance dance revolution every night for at least an hour, ride horses once a week. I've almost made myself throw up after dinner. I'm obsessive about what I'm eating and if its healthy or not. I have no control in my life. And I constantly beat myself up about everything. My friends get annoyed because its so bad. I can't help it. I have no self confidence because all I do is tell myself these nasty thoughts about myself, I'm fat, I'm ugly, why would anyone ever like me, my friends don't deserve me because I'm too fat, anything like that. In many many many different ways
I need to lose weight VERY quickly?
Well if you drink about 10 glasses (250ml) every day, it apparently makes you lose ten pounds of "water" weight every week, but idk
Get rid of call back number at bottom of texts?
Well I have verizon, but it doesnt show the CB number. What I did was I went to the Messaging tab on my phone and went to Settings (I dont know how to get there with your phone, but you probablly do,) then near the bottom of the list theres a thing that says " *. Callback #" click on that and it should give you the option of turning it off or on.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I need my splits helppp?
Ok so I am getting back into dance and I really would like to get my splits down. In 2 weeks I am taking a tumbling class once a week during July at Dance Revolution and also a Dance Technique Bootcamp at Dance Revolution for a week during July and I would really like to have somewhat of my splits when I go into the camps. Can anyone help me and give me some good tips on getting my splits fast? Thank you so much
Why Did Everyone Donate Money to Haiti but not Japan?
Americans did donate to Japan. There is a big difference. Haiti is a poor country with no resources in a disaster and our neighbor and the U.S. is responsible for them. Japan is a wealthy country with its own resources.
What is the speed of the plane?
someone is flying their remote control plane in a circle with a radius of 28 meters. Their friend clocks the plane at 16sec per answer in meters per second. they may be wrong , but you could be right!
Pains after vaccination?
Hi I will soon be entering medical school which means that I am required to have a few shots before I can enter. About a week ago I had a combined tetanus/diphtheria shot with no real side effects. However 2 days ago I got a shot for both MMR and Hep A/B (combined shot). For the past 2 nights I have not been able to sleep because I have been having localized pain in my joints and neck which inhibits me from getting comfortable and falling asleep. Could this be a result of the vaccinations? And if so when could I expect the symptoms to end, and in the meantime are there any medications I could use to aid in with the pain/sleep.
My cat has diarrhea but no other symptoms. How do I help him?
Talk to your vet right away. This could be a infection, or possibly something worse. I suggest setting an appointment for your cat, and have it as soon as possible. I know this may be gross, but look through the stool to see if there is anything that maybe causing this diarrhea. Good luck.
What things can you do to make an historic article appeal to the teenage market?
Try to make it relevant to today. Either say why it had an effect on life as we know it or use a parable based on the French revolution.
I have a question for all, just answer me in calmness?
well, the year 1800 is long passed unfortunately, unless you are using other than the standard global calendar.
Which phone should I get?
I have the choice between HTC DROID INCREDIBLE 2 Android Phone,HTC ThunderBolt 4G Android Phone ,LG Revolution 4G Android Phone. My carrier is going to verizon. which phone is the best? (battery, glitch wise, easy to use etc)
I am looking for a satellite picture of Haiti before & after earthquake, do u have a link please?
Ty! I wish to donate if you have a good pic & a real program that gives to the source I would appreciate it. Ty!
Another revolution inside Egypt's revolution?
No way! Remember, everyone said it would be a peaceful transition! Everyone said, don't worry, hard line radicals won't take control! Hope they're right.
How much was it that the American people AND Obama gave away to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake?
People pledged a lot; most never delivered. Plus, the cost of recovery was staggering and still is. I'll continue giving, thanks.
What would happen to America if it economically collapsed?...If Greece does Collapse, what will happen?
It won't happen so badly,because I think American are more educated and civilized than African,but it's possible that the quality of life will go down,I think only my opinionn there is something wrong with American economic mechanism.
Do any of you really think the only difference in the "races" is just skin color?
Haiti, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Detroit, Congo Kenya and on and on. Compared to Sweden, Norway ,(Oprah's favorite country on the earth) , ETC. Sweden and Norway has way worse weather then the African countries mentioned, so can't blame the weather I would think. How can this be, if we are exactly ALL the same? I am at a loss on this one, can only be "racism" holding the black countries back, I guess.
Why does my chest hurt?
I am 28, female, and not overweight. No close fam history of diabetes or heart disease... The chest pain is sharp and stabbing, and I really don't believe it to be heartburn because it's so localized to my chest. It's sometimes more burning or sore feeling, but usually more sharp. Sometimes it'll go into my shoulder joints briefly. It has been going on for 2 weeks some days worse than others. Often it's worst at night and hard to get comfortable. It has been mostly on the left side of my chest, just to the left of center. I haven't had any trouble breathing or cough associated with it. Any ideas?
Movies taking place in WW2 times that involve gay couples?
There is a British made for TV movie by the BBC called "Christopher and his kind" , it's about two gay guys in ww2 and it's a realy moving drama. (think brokback mountain in ww2 lol) Download a torrent of it or something you may enjoy this film, Googl it, Christopher And His Kind, enjoynhope this helps
Med School????????????
Sorry man, 2.8 in pre-med classes means you could be Jesus and you aren't getting into med school. 3.2 overall is also WAY to low. All those other things just tell the admissions board you were off doing to many extra things other than what you SHOULD have been doing, which was getting A's in the pre-med classes, because you have to have that to get into med school. I really am sorry, but you just don't have a shot.
I have pain behind my knee, can anyone help?
Localised pain on the right knee, behind the knee on the right side. I get it at particular times, sometimes at work as I am out on a golf course doing a lot of walking. Mostly though it happens if i bend my leg at particular angles. For instance - sitting on a chair and placing the outside of my right ankle on my left knee (the way guys often sit), or sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. Any indications of what could be causing the pain? In both these poses i get a stressful kind of pain in that area behind my right knee.
Is anyone else ready for the next, or really the first, American Revolution?
Hugh, we don't want to take the streets and steal, don't be silly. And nobody is asking to be GIVEN things. Our country is seemingly split between ideologies. One half wants to move forward, while the other backwards. I prefer moving forward, and that would require revolution. Read Jefferson's writings.
Army to Marines questions and potential problems?
You can wear any authorized ribbons in any uniform of any service MINUS the combat badge and if you have it, it does NOT transfer into a Combat Action Ribbon (the Navy/Marine equivalent of combat badge). Nor does a Sailor/Marine C.A.R. ribbon transfer to a badge in the Army, they both must be earned while in that branch. A medical discharge would put you into a far lower priority for enlisting. Contact a recruiter for sure.
Travelling to India with psoriasis?
I have very mild psoriasis which is localised. I was thinking of going to India, but where I'm going, the water and environment there is not very clean. Will this affect my psoriasis?
Why does the US government think math/science education is more important than...?
history, culture, and language education? Obama only seems to be worried about "STEM" subjects (science, technology, education, and mathematics), so why is it any surprise American education is failing? I have met many kids who had no idea what or when World War II was! Or the American Revolution!
Why does one breast hurt?
It is probably nothing to worry about but in case it is and to settle your mind you should visit a doctor.
I want one of thoughs purebreed haitian dogs that the indians trained in haiti?
They Were never brought to america they just roam around the streets I will take a puppy and give it shots and ect. There well more like hunters like the labador I have a large and I'm stilll thinking about it.
Any otome games on PS3? O:?
I've recently been playing Atelier Rorona and I'm enjoying it mostly, except for the fact that only one ending is the 'true' ending, and I wondered if there were any similar games like it on PS3? Games with female main characters where you can build friendships/romances with the guys. Basically, otome games (as stated in the question). I already know about Atelier Totori. I'd also prefer games that have been localised in Europe. Also, I heard of Hiiro no Kakera (Scarlet Fragment) being released on PS3. Does anyone know if it's being released outside of Japan,or if there'll be an English patch on it. Thankz~
It's legal for women to go topless where I'm from, so why would everyone shun me if I did?
I'm sure you'll find somewhere that doesn't have peeping toms getting off watching you parade around enjoying yourself in the sun..especially since you'd have no tan-lines.
What nationality is Solomon in Blood+?
I thought he was French, but it seems the Russian Revolution is significant to his character. So is he English, French, Russian, etc?
How come in Haiti's earthquake around 200000 got killed but in Japan's recent earthquake that was stronger?
Japan has been earthquake prepared for years and years. Although earthquakes are unpredictable and can reek havoc in a matter of minutes. Its usually of short duration for that minuteor minutes. When they occur as well as other natural disasters, people Adapt to their circumstances as did the Japanese. Japan was able to adapt to its earthquake hazard. But sunamis rush in at times 500 miles an hour toward unprotected areas of coastline, leaving homes and such vunerable to destruction and unfortunately sunami alert systems are not up to par in many areas as of yet. Haiti.....being a very poor country does not have the capability of protecting themselves.
In 1922, the Russian Empire was officially changed to the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic by the Bolsheviks?
False. The empire ended with the overthrow of the last Czar and establishment of the [first] Russian Republic in 1917. It was the Republic which was changed to the USSR by Lenin.
Strep Throat or just Allergies. ?
i was treated for strep throat with clindamycin (300mg 2x4 a day for a week) from may 30 - june 7nd after finishing my antibiotics on the 8th of june I was fine and sickness free for about another seven days. two days ago my throat started to hurt alot and i got so much post-nasal drip to the point where in the mornings i was almost coughing some of it out into the toilet. i noticed in the beginning of my reccurrent episode of sore throat it occured randomly after gargling with salt water. i went the the hospital the next day and was told it wasn't strep but allergies since i had a slight cough and alot of post nasal drip, they ER doctor gave me claritin and some nasal spray. since then i still have a sore throat but in a localized are of the back of my mouth and my nostrils appear quite red and irritated even though i don't have the sniffles and i'm not blowing my nose. I just lost my health insurance a few days ago and I cannot see my doctor untill i get this sorted out on monday perhaps. If its the dreaded return of strep throat what shall i do. ? could it just be allergies. ? i don't have a fever like i did when i first got strep throat and there are no other symptoms.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Please help me answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Describe how the industrial Revolution created new forms of freedom for some workers while restricting freedom from others?
Please answer! Question about Haiti Earthquake?
I need to know why the E.U and U.N were involved in the response of Haiti Earthquake. Can anyone tell me why? Am I right by saying that the United Nations were involved as various countries from across the world had to send out authorities to aid those in need of aid?
Swollen lymph nodw under jaw on either side of the bones of the throat.?
The lymph nodes under my jaw have been swollen for over a month, but they returned to normal size after I stopped messing with them every day. However, I noticed that the one on the right can be hard at times. Sometimes it's soft and squishy, but the more I mess with it the harder it will feel. I don't have any other hard or swollen nodes, nor do I have any other symptoms of lymphoma; still I find myself concerned as I'm eighteen, right within the age range. I feel quite healthy, and have, in fact been more active than usual. I'm aware that no one can diagnose me over the internet, but I can't particularly afford a trip to a credibile doctor at the moment and I'm looking for some reassurance on the whole matter. I should also probably state that the node is entirely mobile and not fixed in one place. I have seasonal allergies, ie. a slight cold that will come and go, but no severe flare ups other than the occasional build up of phlegm in my throat. Could this have any affect on my lymph node, and if so why is it localized to only one side of my jaw? In ant case I'll be entirely grateful to anyone who can offer some assistance.
京 (きょう/kyou・きょ/kyo) - males and females?
Yes, this is just a result of romanizing Japnese. The name is always きょう in hiragana. The romaji spelling for きょう can be kyou or kyoo or kyo or whatever (romaji is not japanese so it doesn't matter so much), but the pronunciation for きょう is kyou/kyō with prolonged o as in 京都. 京都 is sometimes spelt kyoto as well but it's never きょと but きょうと.
Hair straightener: Solia versus Sedu?
I'm between buying a 1 1/4 in Solia flat iron and a 1 in Sedu Revolution. I have fine, wavy, a little over shoulder length hair. Which straightener do you think would last longer? And has anyone had experience with either straightener?
I felt a burn like fire.... What stung me?
I was chopping trees and felt what I describe as a coal of fire on my leg. Then my entire leg was on fire and tingling. Before long there was localized swelling the spread throughout my entire leg. The burning and tingling got worse and where the initial burn I felt was I noticed my skin was pitted. There was no fang marks or sting marks. Within 45 minutes to an hours I became nauseated and had stomach cramps with diarrhea. Throughout the night I experienced muscle twitches and cramps. WHAT STUNG/BOT ME?????
How much was it that the American people AND Obama gave away to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake?
People pledged a lot; most never delivered. Plus, the cost of recovery was staggering and still is. I'll continue giving, thanks.
Headache for a week help?
Ok I need to admit last week was pretty stressful for me and it pretty much went on my health. It all started with a headache, then like in a sequence everything has gotten worse. I had sinus pressure so far (now it's almost gone) sore throat and nasal dripping (driving me nuts!!), lightheadedness, sleeplessness, and a continuous headache. I took tylenol, allergy medicines, but none of them worked. I really need a good sleep but I just can't! Also, the pain is localized in the back of my head, around the area where my neck and skull connects. HELP!
Modern Warfare 2 PC Steam Help!!!!???? PLEASE!?
Try verifying your game cache on Steam. Right click Modern Warfare 2 in your library and click Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. This will check your game files for any errors and redownload any files it needs to replace.
How do people in Russian schooling learn about the last royal family, the Romanovs?
Are they taught of all the atrocities and are Nicholas 2ndm Alexandra and their children portrayed as bad, heartless people or are they portrayed as innocent victims of the revolution OR is it neutral? Do they learn a lot about that element of Russian history in Russian schools?
Christians: Why do you believe after the rapture the world will be in turmoil?
Most Christians don't believe in the so-called "Rapture" (in its various conflicting forms). It is not genuine Christian teaching. The idea was dreamed up by a couple of itinerant Protestant preachers in the 19th Century. No Christian on earth ever heard of such a thing before then. the apostles never heard of it. Jesus Christ never heard of it.
Is there a website that reports news coverage levels?
A website that, for example, would rate an event's media coverage, such as the Libyan War (which would be ranked high), BP disaster, Haiti Earthquake, etc., while other events, such as floods in Colombia, have relatively low coverage. Again, is there a website that reports coverage levels?
Pain on the inside of shins?
I recently started the Couch Potato to 5K running program and have developed pain in my shins. However, this doesn't feel like normal shin splints. The pain is localized to the side of the shin that is closest to my inner leg if that makes sense. Also, when I run my fingers down the parts that hurt I can feel a few small hard bumps. After I finish running, the pain is pretty uncomfortable but about 45 minutes after I'm done and iced them the pain greatly diminishes and is just sore. I don't know if the issue is that I wear heals during the day and switching to tennis shoes and running is too much of a change or if I've done something else. All suggestions are appreciated!
Are injections for arthritis good?
I have steroid injections for my arthritis in my knee and shoulder. The problem is that the will only inject you once every six to twelve months or so. The injections work on some people but not on others, similarly it works on some arthritis but not others. It can take up to six weeks for the injection to "take". Speak to your GP or Consultant they are in the best position to guide you. I have had my injections on the NHS.
Will the Weiner girl tonight on Hannity ruin the Congressman?
Whether he resigns or not wont matter. The New Yorkers in his district will just elect another liberal 0crat with similar views to his.
Hives of unknown origin on bottoms of feet and palms of hands?
I heard about that, I know what you been doing. Shame on you. And on the bottom of your feet, you must be one heck of a contortionist.
Mild pressure, near heart?
Sometimes it's spasms. Sometimes it's anxiety, or even stress. Even slight heartburn can cause this type of feeling. But if you haven't been by the doctor's for a few years, then it would be best to swing by and get checked out to be on the safe side. A lot of things do change over the course of time and age.
Health / Appendix pain Question?
I wrote about this has happened 4 or so times now but always resolves within 36 hours. Pain/tenderness that is very localized only to just above the appendix. Any walking, twisting, bending, bumps when driving, etc makes it worse. Laying still is good but hardly any position is comfortable. Eating does not affect it and BMs are normal. It sure sounds like an appendix but it repairs itself?? I can't figure it out and won't have health insurance for at least a month.
Are left-wing and illuminati connected?
It is possible that some individuals who support left wing politics believe in the Illuminati conspiracy theory.
What do you think about the sun dancing in Fatima, Portugal?
It was not the sun that was dancing ,it was an apparition by a highly evolved Master of Wisdom who was the Madonna many incarnations ago.
Question about some sores and spotting on tonsils.?
Hey everyone, I've been having trouble with a post nasal drip lately. I know it's common to get a sore throat when you have PND, so I didn't think much of it, however today, about 3 or 4 days after the start of the PND I noticed I have some white spots on each of my tonsils and there are two lumps on the back of my throat near my tonsils which look irritated and inflamed. I recently quit smoking and it doesn't really appear to be any kind of tumor as the lumps are pretty uniform and localized, anybody know if allergy induced PND can be a cause for tonsil spotting or these lumps? Just want a general opinion before I go as far as to schedule a dr. appt. (I don't want to spend the money if it's just a general symptom of PND.) Anyways, any help at all is appreciated, Thanks!
Friday, August 5, 2011
I need an adventure!?
Alright, I do not dislike my life as-is but I don't think I'm getting all that I can from it. I have a mundane life, not in a terrible financial situation, not too bad luck, pretty much in-shape, but mundane. I want something exciting. I want a mission, something important I've got to do. (Yes, I have thought about the military and do not want suggestions to join. I may just do that). I'm thinking of something like (yes this most likley isnt possible) hacking my way through a jungle to find a lost and forgotten city, or being dropped off at a pacific island to try and survive. (I do have alright survival skills). Things like that. Not voulenteering at a food center in Haiti or something, or little things like driving to burning man (I read that as an "adventure" somewhere). Thanks for your help!
HELP! Which term best describes the time in United States history marked by a period of increasing...?
Those are easy, and it would have been harder for you to copy and paste that than to google the actual answer for your own homework.
Haiti X Japans quake?
looking back at japans and Haiti's earthquake, you can clearly see how organized and patient the people of japan was, they helped each other, never lost focus and reorganized themselves as soon as possible to start rebuilding. haiti in the other side was a mess. It was like each person was fighting for themselves, they didn't care about the needs of others, placing their own first.what im trying to say is that they didn't think about themselves as a nation unlike japan. why does this happen, I know there are cultural differences but why cant they all just organize themselves to start getting somewhere?
HAARP? Are we heading for a weather war?
HAARP is not responsible for any climate changes. The US government is not responsible or involved in the attactes of 9-11
Where was god during 9/11 or during the Rwandan genocide which killed almost a million people?
And why are people dying on the streets of Zimbabwe of starvation? What about the Haiti earthquakes, Katrina, the Mexican cartels, why does this so called "loving" god put people through so many bad things?
I am skinny but I have localized fat. What should I eat to eliminate that fat?
I have localized fat around my waist and celulite all over my but and upper legs. What foods should I eat, I dont want to look like Ghandi, but I noticed that everytime I try a diet I end up losing the fat in my already skinny arms and chest and the rest stays the same. Please help!
My cat has little black specks in her fur, but I don't know what they are?
I do not think it is fleas, as I never see her scratch, and it is relatively localized to near the base of her tail. She is a white cat with medium length hair, so at first I thought it was just dirt, so I gave her a good brushing, but when I parted her fur I found them at the base too. She was not uncomfortable with me touching the area, and has no other symptoms that I can find. I am planning on giving her a bath soon, and if it does not improve in a few days I will take her to the vet. But if it happens to be nothing I would appreciate any information.
Greece - is workers' revolution, exit from the Euro and exit from the EU superstate the only solution?
The EU could help bring back prosperity to Greece by fighting for the olympics to be permanently based in Athens where it belongs. That way money would pour in and improve the infrastructure, tourism would greatly increase because of its new status and improved infrastructure, and all of the worlds struggling economies would be helped by not having the dreaded olympics THEFT OF PUBLIC MONEY foisted on to them by the Various con artists and embezzlers that seem to pop up out of no where ever time the games come around. The world must be sic of throwing money into these huge and useless structures that end up like a massive rotting eye sore as a reminder of the fact that they have been legally raped by the corrupt olympic farce.
Are you ready to learn creole in college in Canada?
When did the United States become a safe haven for cowards.?
You mention a revolution and people revert to money. What will you do if we hit a depression worse than the onset of 1929. Will you beg those willing to fight for you or will you stand by and ask the government our government that has done nothing but get us into this debt. What did the French do when they assisted us in our revolution. I have to thank them but the government forsake the people and the people spoke. Are we without voices now or do we have strong voice but no will behind them to push us ahead. We as Americans are becoming weaker and weaker. We are United by voice and divided by politics. If our government can't come together, why should we stand apart.
Torn Ligament/tendon or pulled muscle?
It could just be stressed muscles from the amount of exercise you got. Try Icy Hot or something similar to alleviate some of the pain, and rest it as much as you can for a little while.
Melanoma during sunburn?
i got a pretty severe sunburn last Wednesday and it looks as if it's about to peel, but just last night i noticed 3 small spots on my back, two on the right side and one slightly more noticable one on the left. It was an off color, almost my skin tone but leaning toward a scab or zit like color. they are not painful or itchy to the touch and they are hard like a scab, so i picked half of on and it looks as if it is localized to the top layer of skin. Should I wait for my skin to peel and if it is still there should I see a doctor? or am i just overreacting?
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
Chronic non-migraine headaches?
For 3+ months I have had almost daily headaches varying in intensity and location. Some of them were at the back of my head at the top of my neck. These were pretty sharp pains that were only relieved if I put pressure on that spot. Some have been more generalized just an all over ache. Some have been localized to the left or right part of my head and persistent aches. Lately, it's been a stabbing pain that would occur every couple minutes and last for a couple seconds then subside for a couple minutes. It's enough to make me flinch and grab my head every couple minutes. While none of these are migraine-like to where I can't function, it's highly uncomfortable and I'm worried because it's an almost daily occurence. I haven't noticed a sensitivity to light but it does get worse with even a slightly loud noise. I have been kinda stressed lately but no more so than I have been for the last 2 years. What could be the cause?
Consequences of the uncertainity principle - neutron?
A neutron in an atomic nucleus is bound to other neutrons and protons in the nucleus by the strong nuclear force when it comes within about 1 fm of another particle . What is the approximate kinetic energy in MeV of a neutron that is localised to within such a region? Take delta(x)*delta(p) = h/(4pi) and rest energy of neutron to be 939 MeV. Give your result to 2 significant figures.
Can I play the sims 3 without updating it? HELP?
So I have the sims 3 and a couple of months ago it was working fine, then i stopped playing it and recently I started playing again and when i put the disk in it says i need an update. So i update, but the problem is i live in haiti and the internet is quite slow. I was wondering if there is any way i can just play it without an update, and once i go to the state i would update it. For now i cant. HELP PLEASE!!!
What is MASPIRO in egypt?
Egyptian TV and radio building..i think the area is called maspiro that is how the building got its name
Why Did Everyone Donate Money to Haiti but not Japan?
Americans did donate to Japan. There is a big difference. Haiti is a poor country with no resources in a disaster and our neighbor and the U.S. is responsible for them. Japan is a wealthy country with its own resources.
What does my dream mean?
In my dream my mom just came back from a trip from Haiti (she's actually coming back from there today), and she was ready to give birth but I didn't know she was pregnant and was sort of concerned about that because of her age. When she gave birth I went into the room which was sort of like my moms room but whiter, and I saw her holding one of the babies even though she said she gave birth to triplets. The baby I saw was very cute and quiet. He/she looked like my mom but not like my dad and I immediately knew that they were half siblings. After giving the baby to me she started shaking like she was having chills and said that it was because she wasn't finished giving birth yet. What does this dream mean, it was so weird.
Black Haitian Hair...Help!?
She's Dope has a good answer and also do research of natural hair websites. There are so many things you can do with your hair. Even while it's short there are many cute styles that can be done. Also when getting new products, you shouldn't take the companies' word for it. You should research the ingredients. Also all hair generally grows at the same rate, it's just what you do to it that makes the difference.
Haiti X Japans quake?
looking back at japans and Haiti's earthquake, you can clearly see how organized and patient the people of japan was, they helped each other, never lost focus and reorganized themselves as soon as possible to start rebuilding. haiti in the other side was a mess. It was like each person was fighting for themselves, they didn't care about the needs of others, placing their own first.what im trying to say is that they didn't think about themselves as a nation unlike japan. why does this happen, I know there are cultural differences but why cant they all just organize themselves to start getting somewhere?
Pain in hip when running?
Pain in the posterior aspect (back) of the hip is a common problem in runners. There are a number of issues that can come into play, including pain stemming from the sacroiliac (SI) joint, or possibly from the musculature in that area. Those muscles include the piriformis and gluteal muscles. Recommendations include ceasing activity, using cold compresses or ice, and a stretching/strengthening program for the posterior hip and the core. If the pain resolves, it is likely muscular and related to overuse. If it does not resolve, I would recommend seeing a sports medicine specialist, such as myself.
Unexplained pain in foot?
Check with your chiropractor, there are several small bones in your feet and one of them may be out of place. Snap, crackle, pop and you'll be as good as new. I had or have achilles tendonitis and my chirpractor adjusted my ankle and it lasted, no pain, for 6 months at least.
Are there any vegan foods that can be stored for travel like on a plane that I can possibly prepare later?
Well I’m going to do some volunteer work in Haiti for two weeks and I’m not so sure they will have a grocery store that sells things that I will need to prepare my food so I’m just wondering if there are any foods that can taken and prepared later.
Should I Get A Dingo Or A Haitian Dog?
a haitian dog was breed by the taino indians so I yea all they do is roam the street now in haiti only thinking on getting that instead
Do African men like Black women from the Diaspora a lot?
Like girls from Barbados, Panama, Brazil, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, U.S, Haiti, etc... Those girls, we aren't African in culture and many of us are mixed (like me) so we look kind of different. I've loved the African women I've known, they are so nice! and the African guys I've known seem to love them most too. So I wonder about this. Does anyone know?
Do you think this is sad?
I looked at the average expectancy world average, and almost all of Europe, Australia, North and South America (with the only exception of Bolivia and Haiti) are above the world average (66.57). But Russia has found itself under the world average(66.03) which is far behind many developing countries (I.E. Mexico (76.06), Brazil (71.99), China (73.47) which Russia is currently considered. People in countries like Peru (70.74), El Salvador (72.33), and Honduras (69.4) live longer than your average Russian. But what makes this more interesting is at one point in time Russians had a higher life expectancy than the U.S.. What do you think are the main causes (I can name a few but will let you guys answer) that has destroyed their health?
Where can I purchase cheap Conch Meat? Please!!! My mouth is literally watering for some right about now...?
its like gold..find a person that travels to the bahamas..its cheaper..i worked in a restaurant that made conch was already prepared in a plastic tube..the haitians and other island folks thought it was good..i lived in miami for 30 years...conch is very expensive.a good conch salad..with scotch bonnet and lime..Mmm! that's good!
Is there any tangible link between the recent earthquakes?
First we had the Haiti earthquake, then the 2 in Christchurch, New Zealand and the massive one in Japan; is there any scientific link between these?
Puppy with Itchy Paws :-(?
my pits have same issues it is allergies food and grass. go 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar sprayed onto affected areas along with the benedryl works great. i also give them a bath with the stuff apple cider vinegar and water when in summer as it gets worse. they stop chewing and licking etc. i also changed the food to wheat free all natural food. Fromm brand is what i get.
Which tutoring center is the best for SAT prep?
I get tutored at C2 learning center for SAT. I go three times a week and each class is 2 hours and the whole SAT package costs around 1500 but the maximum number of people that the tutors teaches is two. My experience has been good so far, but it is pricey.
Call of Duty: Couldn't load default.cfg.?
Re-install, or try clicking the game in a diffrent place, like if its on your desktop trying opening it on the start menu.
Need Help. Some anal sex problems.?
The last dozen or so times i've had anal sex, I get this burning, throbbing sensation on the left side of my anus. It only seems to bother me when having sex. I use plenty of lube, and it seems really localized. It's been persisting for months, even after my five month period of abstinence. What's going on and how can I fix it?
What is a good place to find declassified/unclassified CIA material about the 1953 Iran Coup?
If you can help, I'd like all of the documents - both CIA and otherwise - about the 1953 Iran Coup and the effects of the revolution both in Iran and internationally. And what was the original reason for the coup - was it the nationalization of the Anglo-Saxon Oil Company or was it something entirely different?
When will Emperor Obama impose his imperialist ambitions on North Korea?
I heard that upon conquering Noth Korea, that he plans to create a Colloseum to which top NK officials will fight to the death against lions and rabid Haiti survivors.
Weird sensations in both feet -- almost like foot fell asleep minus pins and needles.?
You may have pinched or injured your siatic nerve. You should go to the doctor and get it looked at.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What is the song called?
It goes "Africa to Haiti" it also has the word "N*gga* and i think its in PES 2011 or Fifa 2011.
HELPP!!Which One Thunderbolt, LG Revolution, or Droid Incredible 2?
My upgrade is in August cant decide. I am torn Thunderbolt & Revolution is $249. Droid is $149. The Revolution is huge the Droid is small. please help
Which of the following historical event had a great impact on the argument against slavery in the English?
It was none of the above.The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The Great Awakening is used to refer to a period of religious revival in American religious history. I believe the correct answer is D.
Should USA have a non-interventionist policy?
I whole-heartedly agree with you. We have strayed so far from our original form that we have become that which we were meant to escape from in the beginning.
Acne flare up related to sex?
Yes acne does have to w/hormones... which is why after you do have sex it'll start to get better... not worse. It was just probably a combination of your make up, saliva, and not washing.
Why do feminists support sexism against men?
The most recent example being the decision to exclude men from food lines in disaster zones like Haiti on the feminist-inspired theory that men are too violent and cannot be trusted with the food.
Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?
Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.
From 1799 to 1815 how far did Napoleon maintain the aims of the French revolution?
He didn't. The revolution was basically over by this point. Napoleon Came into power to halt the chaos that came alongside the initial revolution.
How can a Developing country become a Developed country?
How can a Developing country become a Developed Country? How long would it take a country, like Haiti and the People's Republic of China to become Developed? Please give me an estimate for both. Thanks for answering!
Would the writers of the Constitution (if they were alive) be more closely aligned with the left or the right?
Or would they be like, " What the hell, have another revolution maybe you can get it right the second time". What evidence do you have to support your belief?
What is the song called?
I Don't know what it's called.. :/ the only lyric i know is when he goes "Africa to haiti" and I think the songs on Fifa or Pes 2011..
Has anyone been on a mission trip to Haiti? I have some questions! :)?
I am leaving for a mission trip to Haiti soon, and I would really like to hear from others about their experiences. I have been told many things by people like be prepaired for all the children to want to touch you (because i have blonde hair, blue eyes, and VERY pale skin) and not to take pictures of anyone in the cities as some people believe it takes their soul. My mother is freaking out about the crime rates and kidnapping, as I am only 17, but as serious as I know it is I am not to freaked out about that. I want to hear about any experiences anyone else has had in Haiti and any customs I should be aware of. 10 points! :)
What could be the cause of stiffness and discomfort between my shoulder blades when lying down?
This began about three mornings ago when I was awakening, and ONLY happens then, not when I am walking around, nor sitting upright; not even when I first lie-down to sleep! It is a stiffness, soreness and discomfort that seems to be localized from my left shoulder blade (underneath it) and across towards my spine. This is not a neck, mid-to-lower back issue. I can't rub anything on it because it is the part of my back that is almost impossible to reach! I am thinking Chiropractor, but can't really afford him right now. I'm in my mid-fifties and generally active and healthy. Any home remedies? HELP!
Black Widow Bite Question?
I just got bit 20 min ago by a black widow ( Im assuming from its marble shaped butt with the red hour glass) it hurt bad but its not swelling and has only a little localized pain. i took a ibuprofen. Is there any need to go to a Hospital? I know some people say there deadly but almost all people live from them . im a female- 24yrs
What region of Africa did a large concentrations of slaves to french Haiti come from?
I want to know the particular region of Africa did a large concentration of African slave to french Haiti.
What could my back pain be?
When I was about 14 (I am 20 now) I experienced severe back pain in a very localized spot. On the right side, to the right of my spine (almost considered to be on my side) about 2-3 inches below my shoulder blade. The pain isn't sharp or throbbing, but it's tightness and pulling and it's extremely uncomfortable. It's okay when I am laying on my stomach or back or sitting with something against it, but sitting without anything or leaning over is terrible. I was very active back then and when I was doing physical activity it felt fine. Since then, it has come and gone. I had it x-rayed and it showed nothing. I did not have an MRI as the doctor wasn't concerned. I do not have scoliosis. It is back again and I just don't know why! It feels better with heat, ice, and rubbing it. There is no mass there visibly and I can't feel anything. What could it be?
How can a corrupted country theoretically become a normal one?
Unfortunately, I think most countries have become corrupt. I can't think of anything that would fix it.
I need an adventure!?
Alright, I do not dislike my life as-is but I don't think I'm getting all that I can from it. I have a mundane life, not in a terrible financial situation, not too bad luck, pretty much in-shape, but mundane. I want something exciting. I want a mission, something important I've got to do. (Yes, I have thought about the military and do not want suggestions to join. I may just do that). I'm thinking of something like (yes this most likley isnt possible) hacking my way through a jungle to find a lost and forgotten city, or being dropped off at a pacific island to try and survive. (I do have alright survival skills). Things like that. Not voulenteering at a food center in Haiti or something, or little things like driving to burning man (I read that as an "adventure" somewhere). Thanks for your help!
Plz help my mom says she hates me and she said don't call her mom no more and i'm only 10 years old?
Just because i told my dad were going to Haiti she hates me and now every time she cooks she throws the food at me .Please help! She said shes no longer my owner.Somebody adopt me.
Where should i go on vacation in the next 2 years?
the grand canyon its cool because you can camp in the bottom and they have very nice restaurants there its very fun!!
Do some people think roots is funny?
We were watching the movie roots at school, and a black guy in the class started laughing every time he heard the whites call the blacks the n word. Do some people actually find this movie funny? Also he was laughing at Haiti too after the earthquake.
Which one was worse:katrina haiti or japan?
Japan was worse than both Katrina and Haiti due to nuclear disaster and the time they had. If anyone says otherwise they are insane and misinformed.
Why do people care about something tragic for a week and then any later they don't give a...?
Think of all the things that happened and are still happening the Slaves gathering Diamonds in Sierra Leone. The Rwandan Genocide. Uganda's Former Dictator Idi Amin(R.I.P). The Earthquakes in Haiti & Japan. The list goes on and on. Yet we do nothing. Donating maybe just so we can feel good about ourselves.
Do i have abandonment issues?
Probably much of it is abandonment issues and you HAVE to see a psychologist. Go to your school counsellor who can reccomend a good professionl person fpr you to talk to because it is very hard for us to help on Y/A these are really difficult issues that have to be handled by proffessionals.. pleaae go and talk to your school counsellor.. he/she will be able to help I am certain of it.
Need help deciding on phone?
so i have a sprint android right now and want to switch to verizon for either the iphone or the 4g revolution and i cant decide which one to get?i need opinions on which one to get
Sad songs for a presentation?
I am creating a presentation about the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and I need a song to use for the backing. I don't want to use Simon Cowell's Help For Haiti song, however as I won't be talking in the presentation, it can have words, any ideas?
Friend going to get sued? car accident?
How much trouble? Car accident? longish? Last night my friend and I *she was driving* were involved in a car accident. She was driving back from her friends house down by the beach (unfamiliar area to us since she lives about two hours away) around 2:30 am. As she was driving down this road, within speed limit when we saw a cop car light up behind us, they ended up pulling the car behind us over not us but I guess because my friend was so nervous we missed a stop sign coming over this crossroad. She ended up getting swiped on her back right tire by a car coming across. Scary ****. Anyway we ended up spinning out and she was freaking out crying. Her right tire rim is shot and there is a pretty nice dent but no other damage. Likewise the other drivers car suffered a crushed headlight on the right side and a dent and scratches localized to that area. We called the cops and the other driver and passenger seemed unharmed but the driver was pretty pissed understandably. When the cops got there he started screaming that we were speeding going like 60 (we were only going 35) and that he was disabled and in pain. They ended up taking him to the hospital in a stretcher. My friend talked to the cops but was pretty hysterical the whole time. She told them that she missed the sign and all that. But now I am really worried what is going to happen to her and this whole situation. I know she is at fault for missing the stop sign and she is really cut up about it. She has no idea what to do, or whats going to happen to her. The cops said they are sending her tickets in the mail but I am really worried that the other driver is gonna sue her for all shes worth, which is basically nothing, she is only 19 and has about 50 dollars in the bank atm. So I wanted to maybe get some insight on this situation, from someone who knows what is likely ahead or been in this situation before. 1. What are the chances this guy sues? And how much could he walk away with if the insurance company refuses to settle (for damage to car or his medical bills if he does end up being hurt) 2. What are the chances that her insurance (GEICO) doesnt cover any or all or how much they will cover? Any suggestions or advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Help/Rate a Karakuri deck?
I think your deck might be okay. Although, you might want to try adding a Solidarity. Your monsters' attack points will be high. You might also need a Limiter Removal. You can also try adding Machina monsters because they have lots of unions that stop your monsters from getting destroyed. Some Gadget cards can work too. I say your deck is descent, but a few more cards could help.
Is it legal to upload scans of Japanese raw manga if you live in the US?
yes it is legal to up load copy righted works.....not much would happen, they will just ask you or were you up loading it to, to remove it
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
If I heat a vertically oriented metal bar at the top would the heat travel to the bottom as fast as...?
If the bar were perfectly insulated from the environment then the orientation of the bar would have no influence on the speed with which things heat up. If the bar is not insulated heat will be lost to the environment, heating up the surrounding air, warm air rises so there might be a difference depending on how the bar is oriented. How big this influence is depends on the setup.
Was the American Revolution a real revolution?
It does not follow many of the same trends as other revolutions. Personally, I don't think it was, but I'd like to hear other opinions
When Lava meets the ocean?
When a volcano erupts and the lava flows into the ocean or the volcano is under the ocean does the resulting steam from the lava contacting water condense and fall as rain? I would think it would be a very localized weather pattern. It may only be a few hundred meters is size?
How to bond with my 6 sponsor kids?
buy them all preloaded rechargable MP3 players with current pop songs on them. 2-4GB MP3 players are only like $10 online, and you can even record a personal message to put on the MP3 players
I have a question about where I came from?
I was born in American. My race is black. My mother is from Haiti, therefore I am Haitian. Why does everyone assume that all Blacks come from Africa? Haiti is an island country that is not located within the continent of Africa. If a person makes a joke about fired chicken, watermelons, grape soda, AIDS, Apes, Gorillas, Baboons, etc, I don' take any offense to that because I am not African. I am Haitian. It is unbelievable that people in this country are that ignorant.
Is Japanimation like '' acceptable for ordinary American people?
I dont see why it wont be accepted. It reminds me of Yugioh or something like that. Thats pretty popular here.
Would the FBI or any local Police Department take me if I had a history of depression?
I was 17/18 years old and tried to commit suicide after a series of events happened that brought me to a low point in life (as well as the fact I was on medicine that made it 10x worse). I was twice court ordered to stay in a hospital for about 4-5 days. I got out and went off the medicine and did therapy instead, and got much better. I left for the Army as Airborne Infantry about 15 months later and lied in the application process since I knew I would not have a relapse. Well here I am 3 years later, about to get out next month and trying to figure out what I wanna do in life. I loved the military and did 2 deployments (one to A-stan...just got back 2 months ago, and another to Haiti last year after the earthquake). Both of them I came back fine from, yeah I saw some stuff in Astan that I don't like thinking about, but I don't have PTSD and have never felt a lapse in depression even under some of the stressful situations I've been in. So do you think if I applied to a police dept (or went and got my Bachelors and then applied to FBI) that they would see I was court ordered through a civil court to a hospital stay? Could I lie about that on the app process since it OBVIOUSLY doesn't affect me anymore? I just think it's BS that some doctor that didn't even know my story goes and writes one thing down and my entire life could be changed because of that. So do you think I have a chance or should I look into something else?
What default engine on Droid Charge, HTC thunderbolt and LG revolution?
I want to buy a LTE 4G phone but I don't like Bing. Is there any LTE 4G phone with Google search engine as default?
Why Are Less Economically Developed Countries?
Why are less economically developed countries still not more economically developed countries? Such as Uganda, Afghanistan and Haiti.
Interesting thing i notice when reading what people say about Elenin. Anyone notice this?
They use the Chile, NZ, and Japan quakes as examples for why they are right about the comet but no one says anything about the Haiti quake. Does this mean that in their eyes the other 3 quakes were caused by the comet and that the Haiti quake is completely coincidental? That makes no sense to me.
What could have caused the pain in me?
sound like a trapped nerve, or maybe you've pulled a muscle. these usually g in time, but maybe you should see your doctor anyway, just to be on the safe side :)
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