Monday, August 8, 2011

Could it be anorexia?

so I'm overweight, my mom tells me i am and need to diet constantly my ex boyfriend beat me up about my weight my friends tell me I'm not fat but i feel like they have to say that i expect them to say I'm not fat but i am. lately here's the diet my brain came up with. i will sleep til 1 skipping breakfast then when i get up ill eat something small. today it was a doughnut and an orange. then i wont eat again til 630 or 7 for dinner which i don't eat a lot of either. if i eat inbetween lunch and dinner its one piece of fruit and I am guilty after eating it. I have been obsessive about exercise, 30 laps in the pool everyday its warm enough, walking the puppy at least a mile everyday I have it, dance dance revolution every night for at least an hour, ride horses once a week. I've almost made myself throw up after dinner. I'm obsessive about what I'm eating and if its healthy or not. I have no control in my life. And I constantly beat myself up about everything. My friends get annoyed because its so bad. I can't help it. I have no self confidence because all I do is tell myself these nasty thoughts about myself, I'm fat, I'm ugly, why would anyone ever like me, my friends don't deserve me because I'm too fat, anything like that. In many many many different ways

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